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Character panels- A short reference to look at when writing, and to publish when presenting your new characters ^^ It's good to have.
77Lør Jul 28, 2012 9:28 am
Ayako John Miller
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Like the panels, only here you can write more free and much longer. You are allowed to post more pictures, references, who they met, what they want, their history, etc.etc. It is all up to you! :)
12Fre Jul 27, 2012 4:59 pm
ibis name Plasser i bandet
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Discussion place

Discuss the characters/the story all you want. And whatever you may want to use this for :)
12Lør Mai 05, 2012 1:12 pm
Ayako Is the fame turning twisting out heroes?
Ingen nye Innlegg


What else you must want to say in here, goes here :)
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