New Beginnings

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London, Great Britain..

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Yo! This is backstage- before the show! Haven't you ever wanted to know what really happens behind the curtain? Well- here's our chance, our work and our friends.
122Lør Mai 05, 2012 10:29 am
Ayako No fancy headline.
Ingen nye Innlegg

Costumes & Make up

Gotta get ready, gotta look good. Wanna impress da' crowds :J
Ingen nye Innlegg

Band practise

Where the band gathers, take sound tests, and generally hav ea good time together :)
Ingen nye Innlegg

The Tour Bus!

Parties, chilling out, or just sleeping in the road bed ~
1265Fre Sep 07, 2012 3:50 pm
Ayako After the first concert
London, Great Britain.. Empty
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